The Recycle for Greater Manchester Community Fund is a joint Recycle for Greater Manchester (R4GM) and Suez initiative, administered by the Greater Manchester Environment Fund, to support Greater Manchester Community and Voluntary sector groups to deliver projects that help to reduce household waste in Greater Manchester.
Every year, £220,000 is available to support projects which prevent, reuse, or recycle household waste, reduce contamination, promote sustainable use of waste and resources, and generate wider social benefits for the communities of Greater Manchester. There are two funding awards available – projects could receive up to £10,000 from Council level awards, or up to £20,000 from Greater Manchester level awards for projects that cover more than one council area.
Applications are welcome from Community and Voluntary Sector organisations such as registered charities, not-for-profit organisations, community, neighbourhood or voluntary groups, faith groups delivering community work, and schools, colleges and universities.
Projects will need to focus on one or more of these priority waste streams:
- Food waste
- Paper and card
- Glass
- Textiles
- Furniture
- Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
The Community Fund has supported an array of inspiring and innovative projects over the past two years, awarding a total of £439,141 to 47 local groups across Greater Manchester. Projects have ranged from recycling household waste to create community gardens and habitats for wildlife, to setting up repair workshops to empower local people to be able to fix electrical items.
To support applicants, we are running a series of online workshops to help you to understand if the fund is right for you and how to make a strong application on the following dates (you only need to attend one session):
Click here to find out more about the fund and to access the application portal, or to read about previous successful projects, click here.