
Jon Hawkins Surrey Hills Photography


Ryder Brow group

Green Spaces Fund Impact Report - Round 2

Now that groups from the second round of the Green Spaces Fund have completed their projects, we're taking an in-depth look at the impact their work has had across Greater Manchester.

Core members of FOIL enjoying the fruits of their labour

Green Spaces Stories: The Secret Garden

There’s a secret garden tucked away behind a library in Salford. Come with us through a hidden fairy door as we explore this wonderful Green Spaces Fund project by the Friends of Irlam Library…

GROW with the FLOW rep image

Green Spaces Stories: GROW with the FLOW

We’re heading to Wigan for the next instalment of the Green Spaces Stories series, to find out more about the GROW with the FLOW project run by Friends of Low Hall Nature Reserve.

A young woman wearing a baseball cap, black tshirt and blue knee length shorts kneeling by a flower bed planting a green plant

Green Spaces Stories: SNUG

Our new 'Green Spaces Stories' series continues with a visit to the SNUG project in Longsight, run by Longsight Art Space and Friends of Crowcroft Park.