Supporting Landowners and Land Managers

Wildflowers at Clifton Park Salford

Wildflowers at Clifton Park Salford by Salford City Council

Delivering Biodiversity Net Gain in Greater Manchester

Supporting Landowners and Land Managers

Biodiversity Net Gain will become mandatory for new developments nationally by November 2023. Development will need to demonstrate a 10% gain in biodiversity when compared to the pre-development baseline data which developers will need to collect using the Natural England metric.

The Greater Manchester Ecology Unit has undertaken an assessment of sites considered to be of the most strategic importance, however the supply of sites needs further development to seek the necessary permissions, undertake baseline surveys, and produce a costed management plan that can be used to generate Biodiversity Net Gain units to sell.

We are seeking landowners and land managers who are interested in working with the Greater Manchester Environment Fund to undertake this work on your behalf. Woodland, grassland, wetland and mosaic habitats are all potentially eligible. Preference will be given to sites and projects which support local biodiversity priorities and strategies, such as those within the Greater Manchester Local Nature Recovery Network Strategy, and which connect areas of existing habitat. We can help you to determine the strategic significance of your land, you can get in touch with us here to discuss further.

We’re keen to hear from people with ambitious ideas and opportunities, with sites and projects of any size potentially considered for future funding. Eligible projects may typically cost between £10,000 and £250,000+. If you are interested in creating, enhancing and restoring wildlife habitats on your land then please e-mail us at [email protected].

Essential criteria

Farmers, land managers, landowners, charities, parish councils and non-profits are all welcome to put sites forward. The key requirement is that you will be able to sign a 30-year agreement that commits you to undertake the work and manage and monitor the benefits, which will be verified at regular points through the agreement.

We also require:

  • Landowner permission and willingness for land use change that will need to be managed for the desired biodiversity outcome for at least 30 years. 
  • For economies of scale land should be larger than 7ha but smaller areas can be considered.
  • Commitment to time and resources required to be at a stage that sites can be registered to sell BNG units. 
  • Previous experience of biodiversity enhancement work, or willingness to engage local experts.
  • GMEF to check locality within the Greater Manchester Local Nature Recovery Network Strategy.

How GMEF can support you

The benefits to being part of this scheme include securing future payments in the long term, which could generate income for farmers, and payments over 30 years will help land managers to employ staff long term.

The Greater Manchester Environment Fund can provide:

  • Independent advice on projects that are most suitable and how schemes can be ‘stacked’ with other funding opportunities, such as the new Environmental Land Management Scheme.
  • Advice on other potential funding and investment opportunities that may arise by providing ecosystem services such as carbon offsetting and flood management.
  • Guidance and support to get your land BNG ready.
  • Access to ecologists who can help with baseline data and production of costed Habitat Management Plans.
  • BNG unit calculations that ensure all costs are covered including upfront payments for initial restoration work, legal, monitoring, verification, and land agent fees, as well as ongoing management costs.
  • Support to register your site, and promotion of BNG units for sale with local developers who are most likely to be seeking units to buy. 
  • Connections with interested developers with the most appropriate BNG units available. 
  • Support in negotiations and the production of legal agreements.
  • Management of the investment to ensure all obligations can be met over a 30-year period.

If you meet the criteria and would like to discuss opportunities, you can e-mail us at [email protected].